Why are Silk pillowcases a great investment?

1. Silk vs. Wrinkles: The main benefit of a silk pillowcase is that it can be gliding, unlike cotton. Cotton can cause creping, or small lines on your face, due to the surface's friction. Silk, on the other hand, is way more slippery and smooth than cotton, so even if you move around throughout the night, you can avoid creasing and wrinkles on your skin.

2. Silk vs. Hair Breakage: Sleeping on a silk pillowcase helps prevent breakage and improve the quality of your hair. Hair breakage occurs when you’re sleeping because your hair is constantly rubbing against your pillow. The silk pillowcase reduces friction between your hair and your pillow, which means less breakage.

3. Silk vs. Frizzy Hair: Silk is less absorbent than regular pillowcases. Therefore, sleeping on silk helps to retain moisture in both your hair and skin; this means smoother, hydrated skin and less frizzy. It also prevents dryness and redness, so you wake up looking youthful and fresh!

4. Silk & Long Night Sleep: Silk is one of the best materials for bedding because it’s temperature-regulating. Cotton, on the other hand, absorbs moisture and can make you feel hot and sweaty at night. Unlike cotton, silk wicks moisture away to keep you cool and dry.

5. Silk vs. Germs: Silk pillowcases are made from the silk of silkworms, which is naturally hypoallergenic. This is great for people who may suffer from asthma or allergies. The buildup of dust mites, fungus, mould and other allergens is greatly reduced when you sleep on a silk pillowcase.

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