If you run a salon or are a hairdresser in training, one of the most important pieces of equipment that you must have is a set of mannequin heads. Simply, because they let you practice cutting and colouring techniques on a model before trying them out on real people. Buying a mannequin head is a pretty confusing task, because there are so many different types of heads for different purposes. But using our tips can help hairdressers buy the right one for their needs.

1. Buying 100% real hair :

If you are a stylist or a colourist, you will want to look for a real hair mannequin head from which to practice. It allows you to experiment with perming, colouring, straightening on high heat, styling, and blow-drying. Lacking the ability to withstand heat and to adhere to traditional hair colours, synthetic hair is not suitable for these practices. Moreover, as a stylist and as a colourist, the most important thing is to get a real perspective and see how the hair reacts to heat, colouring and peroxides and all of that. So, a real hair mannequin is a must-have for every hairdresser.

2. Check hair quality:

There are three hair types of human hair: Virgin, Remy, and None-specified Human Hair.

  • Virgin hair comes from women who have never chemically treated or dyed their hair before.
  • Remy hair, on the other hand, is made from human hair taken from ponytails with the cuticle in one direction. It can be dyed or chemically treated.
  • None-specified Human hair type is any hair from a human. The Hair can come from the floor of a salon or a brush. That means that this type of hair is not always of high quality with inconsistent strands.


Therefore, If you're in the market for top quality hair, there are only two choices: Virgin or Remy. While Remy mimics the texture of natural human hair and can be styled just like a person's hair, Virgin is best for colouring classes because its cortex is all-natural and has not been damaged by any prior treatments



3. Don't overlook hair density.

We usually look at hair length and colour when it comes to our mannequin heads. However, there's a third attribute that is just as important: hair density. Density is determined by how closely each graft of hair is placed next to one another and cheaper mannequins usually have less dense hair.

Have you ever ordered a hair mannequin head online? It can be tough to know if the hair is as dense as you would like. But, fortunately, most of our home brand heads come with a weight measurement in their specifications. Good hair density mannequin heads have a hair weight of around 125 grams or higher.


4. Checking hair Implant:

When hair grafts are implanted, they are typically implanted at a 90-degree angle. But this is not how human hair grows. As the result, the hair will come out at an unnatural angle — all pointed straight up. That will create problems when practising for bob cuts, which requires the bangs to fall forward.

When shopping for mannequins, be sure to pay attention to the hairline. A good hairline is often described as "natural hairline". A natural hairline replicates the normal growth of human hair, so it's the best choice for cutting and styling.